Hello and welcome to my blog. A place to order all my thoughts, publicise all my articles and hopefully bring down the establishment and cement myself as supreme leader of London and the South-east region.
I thought I'd start with stating how bloody awful I am at customising this website. Though word-press seems easy to use and have uploaded content through this website before, I have managed to make an easy task last hours. The amount of customisation available has led me to make the most mountainous of mountains out of molehills, frantically dwelling over the header for nearly an hour. I am content with the layout so far but would love any input from some seasoned pros.
To break the monotony of the task at hand, I decided to bake my second cake of the week. A black-forest gateau, well a chocolate cake with blackcurrant jam and cream in the centre and some caramelised apple on top. It is what it is, that's my mantra for baking. In it's current (or currant ...sorry) state it looks like it is wearing a pork pie hat. I have really been into baking recently, scoffing down the last cake I made, an ugly looking but delicious Bailey's and Chocolate cake, to justify making a new one. I haven't even had a chance to watch bake-off yet!
I start my blog on a Saturday and that means the football is on, at least for League One and Two. (Side note: The majority of my procrastination comes from scrolling through Charlton Athletic Football Club forums and wasting my time supporting the club.) Today Charlton managed to scrape a 4-3 win against Oldham. The commentary I managed to listen to, as it buffered through my awful internet connection, suggested we played well before the game deteriorated into a foul-fest. Such is the way in League One, but I can remain positive for the rest of the day as my team survived the onslaught.
Lastly, I can plug my latest article: a look into Galactic Civilizations III and it's fairly new Crusade DLC. The DLC seems to kick this game up a gear making it much more fun to play, but to me it still felt like a fairly basic turn-based grand-strategy. It has it's charm but like Civilization: Beyond Earth it doesn't manage to grab enough of my attention and feels like more of a play with numbers than an actual space civilisation game. This prompted me into buying Stellaris as I wanted more flavour to each planet, species and decisions that I made. Despite this the customisation options in Galactic Civilizations III: Crusade mean that the more time you put into this game the better the gameplay becomes. You can read what I say here, but in essence, just like creating a blog site, I am not great with customisation.